Hi friends :) We are The Vatadrokas - creators of Ruddy Wild. Inspired by our own mischief- making children! Our goal in creating RUDDY WILD was never just to sell a "quick fix" product, it was always about encouraging outdoor play for children by supporting those with sensory needs to brave the natural elements in a fun, safe and gentle way! Our first-hand experience has shown us that being outside is healing, restorative and a total MUST have for kids who struggle with certain sensitivities. At Ruddy Wild we encourage barefoot play, foot strengthening and body restoration by massage and releasing hyperactivity in children by simply getting outside amongst natural elements. Follow our family on Instagram and Tiktok to learn more about who we are and what we stand for. We love new friends and hope you will say hi and share your experiences with us too! God Bless x @Thevatadrokas
As soon as you open a Ruddy Wild socks, you are immediately inducted into the RUDDY WILD ADVENTURE CLUB. A community of people that love the outdoors and encourages our kids to get outside and play! Nag mum or dad to take a photo of you in your Ruddy Wild socks and hash-tag the word #RUDDYWILD. Click on the hash-tag #RUDDYWILD to view the community enjoying adventures in their socks too. Ruddy Wild socks can be worn at home, in the backyard, motorbike riding, canoeing, hiking, bushwalking, skiing, and checking the surf - to name a few adventurey ideas! With permission, selected photos will be shared and featured on our social media pages to encourage kids all around the country to get outside and play!